Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Data Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Data Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing. Answer: Introduction: The protective privacy measures of digital data security that is used to prohibit the access of unauthorized users to databases, websites and computers. The data is saved from corruption with the help of data security. A very important aspect of Information Technology organization is the data security (Chang Ramachandran, 2016). From a large organization to a small organization, all industry needs data security. Data security is also known by other names, that is computer security or information security. The technology of data security helps to keep the backups, ensure data and also helps in masking of data. Encryption is a major technology in security technology where software or hardware, hard drives and digital data are encrypted and they are protected from the unauthorized hackers and users. Authentication is another most common method that is practiced in data security. For authentication, the user must give a code, password, biometric data and other data for the verification of access to the system. In health care fields there is use of data security. EMR (electronic medical record) privacy is a new data privacy control of data security that is been used in many countries like Australia in U.S. the EMR creates awareness related to patients rights about release of data to physicians, hospitals, laboratories and some other medical facilities that are related to the patients. Common findings on data security from the articles (Quantitative, Qualitative and mixed) According to Sun et al. (2014), it has been researched that only 28.34% of the organizations are secured without the data security. Other remaining organization uses some or the other data security processes for the security of network. To overcome these drawbacks of the network protocol and the performance in them, security protocols are evaluated. Assuming the certificate authority, all the protocols were developed. This certificate authority maintains the certificate of all the protocols. One of the major concerns of computer network is security. As stated by Erlich Narayanan (2014), as the passing days, the security is becoming more complicated and the security level increases with the increase in security. New challenges have been faced by the wireless devices for the security of data for exchange of information because of drawback of bandwidth and power. To give authentication, integrity and confidentiality of the data over network of computer, powerful algorithms have been developed. Outside the traditional social sciences, quantitative research has become famous especially in development of international research development and public health. According to Creswell Poth (2017), Quantitative research methods are been dominated in the present days. For this reason, researchers have started to think of more vast methods because they are used in international problems of public health. Quantitative methods gives important aspects regarding the data security, making it an important part of research that is been held out. From quantitative approach we can get the contextually rich and specific data culturally that is been produced. The data that is been achieved by the quantitative approach provides solutions for the problems regarding public health to develop countries, medical doctors, humanitarian organizations and many more. Using both the approaches together, the limitation of one approach is compensated by the limitation of the other approach (Yang et al., 2013). When used together, the data are balanced by strength of other. This helps to integrate many ways of knowing the data. Most of the evaluations are done by collecting the quantitative and the qualitative approaches. Different findings on data security (Quantitative, Qualitative and mixed) According to Taha et al. (2013), any findings are still evaluated that calculate the quantitative findings on the study of data security. The data in quantitative research can be analyzed in numbers in a quantitative research. Quantitative uses the use of data that are numerical which describes the security of the data. The researches that are achieved from the quantitative approach more readily analyzed and are interpreted. The approach of quantitative method is more time taking, stressful and harder. It is an empirical research where data is not in form of numbers (Cao et al., 2014). The quantitative analysis of data security shows graphs; pictures and other pictorial format where the need of data security is needed in many of the organization can be seen. People who is serious about their research and want to prepare the research for commitment uses this quantitative approach of data security. Most of the researchers use the mixed approach analysis to do the research of data security (Zhang, Chang Yap, 014). In mixed approach, the finding that is got from the qualitative approach is cross checked against the quantitative approach to get the exact information regarding the data security. Limitations and how the methods differ across the various study designs In quantitative approach, it is difficult to control the variable and rule out the process of data security because human nature always keeps on changing. For the research, it is difficult to get the human response properly. It hampers in succession of the research. As stated by Kang et al. (2015), Quantitative analysis excludes moral responsibility, freedom and choice of the data security. Quantitative analysis can end in its own self. Peoples ability that is unique is not taken into consideration in quantitative analysis. Quantitative analysis takes the account of the people consideration as a whole. It shows that the facts that are taken are true and are considered as the information that is presented is true for all the people taken into consideration. Trivial and banal findings that are produced in quantitative research those have very small consequence because of variables that are controlled. The research is objective totally because the involvement of the researchers is subje ctive. The object of the researchers is to interpret the results and worthy of investigation. According to Sun et al. (2016), the problem of reliability and validity in adequate number is the major drawback of the quantitative analysis. Conventional standards of validity and reliability are difficult to apply in quantitative analysis. The changing of situations, conditions, interactions and context cannot be applied in quantitative analysis because they are represented pictorially. The Quantitative analysis is time taking. The time taken to analyze, interpret and data collecting is very time taking. There involves a great effect of the researchers on what subjects they are researching upon. For selecting the findings, there comes an issue of confidentiality and anonymity. The researcher and the organization should have the same common viewpoint as the considerations contradict many times. There is a great involvement in the mixed approach of data security. The organizations and researchers use mixed approach on the research of data security (Crawford Schultz, 2014). This helps to make the data the has been researched more accurate and also takes less time in completing the research. As data security is most important part of an organization to keep the data secure from all the threats, classification of data can be done. The data can be classified into various groups so that the research that the data can be found easily by the staffs of the organization. This also helps the researchers to research about the data in an easy way. 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