Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Speech given by that candidate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Speech given by that candidate - Essay Example The goal was reached perfectly. This is because, Mitt Romney first introduced Paul Ryan as his running mate and the selected Vice President of the Republican party, and then went ahead to explain why he was selected. Mitt Romney introduced Paul Ryan as a man of character, who is true to his words, and who respects the opinion of others, even when they are his opponents, without demonizing his opponents (Romney, n.p.). He further defended the character of Paul Ryan as that of integrity and steadiness, being the reason why he was suited to back him up as a running mate, since they do not only share the same vision for America, but have the capability to achieve it, owing to the integrity and steadiness of his running mate. Further, the goal of introducing Paul Ryan as the right candidate was achieved thorough presenting him as a candidate whose judgment is respected by all, and the one who is an ardent supporter of freedom and justice (Romney, n.p.). Emotive language and balance are the two major speech techniques that Mitt Romney applies in this speech. These techniques are effective in persuading the audience to accept Paul Ryan as the best running mate and potential Republican Vice President Candidate. This is because; Emotive language, as the first technique that Mitt Romney applied in this speech, is able to appeal more to the emotions and feelings of the audience, as opposed to indulging them through logic and reason. This is achieved through the application of emotive language seen in Mitt Romney’s statement that â€Å"Pauls father died when he was in high school† (Romney, n.p.).The emotive language is specifically targeted at presenting Ryan as a man of discipline and personal character. This statement forms a tactical application of emotive language, where Mitt Romney was seeking to appeal to the emotions of the audience through showing them that Paul Ryan’s journey has not been easy, yet he has

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