Monday, September 9, 2019

Making reference to appropriate human rights provisions, critically Essay

Making reference to appropriate human rights provisions, critically discuss to what extent the legal definition of the family has developed - Essay Example In order to maintain these rights in an effective manner, every nation should formulate certain laws and rules that ensure the well-being of its citizens. In the present scenario, we find a tremendous growth of population and it is very essential to make reconsiderations of the strategies that are adopted to maintain human rights. Lack of mutual understandings among people is, in some cases, the reason for the distress faced by them. The provisions of human rights are very essential for the existence of the framed laws and regulations. â€Å"The promotion and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms must be considered as a priority objective of the United Nations, in accordance with its purposes and principles, in particular with the purpose of international cooperation. In the framework of these purposes and principles, the promotion and protection of all human rights is a legitimate concern of the international community. The international community must treat human rights globally, in a fair and equal manner, on the same footing, and with the same emphasis. The Platform for Action reaffirms the importance of ensuring the universality, objectivity and non-selectivity of the consideration of human rights issues†. (The United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women 2005). It is necessary that all people fulfill their appropriate responsibilities and obligation, for the purpose of protecting the fundamental human rights in a most effective manner. More importantly, the appropriate provisions of human rights are also taken in to consideration about the code of conduct and other ethical principles. The adequate norms and policies of human rights are properly maintained by the political and legal enactments of various countries. Human rights of a person include personal freedom, economic, cultural and social freedom, equality etc. As per the legal frame work, every person is treated in an equal manner.

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