Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sensation and Perception Homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sensation and Perception Homework - Essay Example For this process to complete the function of the eye is the most important one and its shape, size and location determine the capacity and functionality of the seeing capacity. Before deciding the design of eye for the new animal species, the most important thing we have to consider is the habitat and the surrounding environment where it will have to struggle for its survival. The foremost thing we should know is whether it is a hunting and assaulting animal or if it is a prey animal taken for food purpose. For the species involved in hunting the frontal eyes suit better because these eyes can give excellent depth perception due to the location in front of the head. On the other hand, the lateral position of eyes suits better for the prey-animals which gives them a panoramic view of the objects and helps them to anticipate and percept their hunters. After the placement of eye, its size and shape also determine its functionality. There are mainly two types of eyes, the most developed eyes like we, the human beings, have and the simple ones like a patch of photosensitive pigment which is found in many worms. The third option for designing the visual system is about its ability for movement. The movement of eyes helps the living beings to see objects from different angles giving better view of the object. However, the movement of the eyes is not sufficient in itself, the body shape should also facilitate in its movements to have wider seeing perspective. Thus, I would like for the new animal species a visual design which has frontal position to give excellent depth perception, medium sized to allow fast movements and the starling-like eye movements. 1.2 About fifty years ago, many a brain disorders were undiagnosed due to the lack of modern-day equipments and the research which by now has facilitated the medical professionals to anticipate and diagnose complicated neurological and brain disorders like Parkinson's, Anton's syndrome, and Meige syndrome etc. due to the lack of proper awareness about such disorders, the lives of patients were miserable and they had to rely much on their attendants. The real problem with some of the patients having brain disorder was that they did not realize they suffered some sort of disorder like in Meige syndrome in which the patients affirmed quite adamantly that they were capable of seeing even though they cortically blind. However, now the medical science has made extensive researches and is now able to control these disorders to some extent (Charles Bonnet Syndrome. 2007). However, it is a matter of concern that there is no specific treatment for these disorders and the medical professionals are able to control it in initial stages as well as handling some symptoms of the disorder. It is hoped that with further concentrated researches, these disorders will be controlled efficiently within next 50 years. 1.3 Structure of the Eye The structure of the eye or as is called the eyeball, is spherical approximately 2.5 cm in diameter. The outer part of the eye consists of three layers of tissue. The outside layer is the sclera having protective coating and it covers about five-sixth of the eye surface. The middle layer is called choroids, a vascular layer which is continuous with the ciliary body and with the iris. It lies at the front of the eye. The innermost layer of the eye is the

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